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Ms. Pisano
Room E102

About Us

Nathan Kuo
Brian Lam | Tanya Lee | Jolene Huey | Nathaniel Chen |
Sala Yu | Ethan Chen | Matthew Choi | Michael Kwok | Michelle 
So | Brandon Chang | Theo Hung

The topics studied in Ocean Sciences Bowl including everything involving the ocean, ranging from wave dynamics to coral reef systems to oceanic crust compositions. Members are expected to attend team meetings and to complete independent outside readings to augment their knowledge. Most of the team activities are geared towards the regional competition in February or March. We will also have the occasionally social bonding activity, such as our summer beach trips. Thus, the goal of this academic team --as the name suggests -- is to both fill members with knowledge and to help them form strong bonds and memories that will stay with them. Our competitions are in buzzer format and cover ocean biology, chemistry, physics, geology, geography, social sciences, marine policy, and technology.


Members are expected to attend all team meetings. Typically, there is one meeting per week, Tuesdays after school in room E102. Meetings are conducted to simulate real competition, which involves a lock-out buzzer system, similar to Jeopardy. Members will either be broken up into individual teams pitted against one another, or simply be placed in a free-for-all round. 

Level of Commitment:

As previously mentioned, members are expected to attend meetings and to complete independent study --typically 45 minutes a week, though as competition season approaches, the hours may increase. As for commitment beyond the basic requirements, that really depends on the member's desire to compete. We can only send one team to competition each year,  thus we will have A-Team tryouts annually.


We compete in the National Ocean Sciences Bowl and our main goal is to win 1st at Regionals to go to National competition. Last year, we won 2nd at Regionals!

LA Surf Bowl, 2022


© 2020 by AHS OSB

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